Living in peace and harmony with each other and with nature are dimensions of the Jackson Walnut Park curriculum. The fostering of peace and reconciliation are core values that are practiced as an educational ministry rooted in the charisms of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. From the earliest ages, children receive lessons in grace, courtesy, kindness, and mindfulness. They learn strategies for conflict resolution that promote peace in their relationships and that will serve them for life. Older children model and mentor younger students in the practice of peacemaking.
Peace is further fostered through service to others. By providing service to others, students see how
they positively impact the world. Service projects include gathering items for local non-profits during the holiday season, for victims of natural disasters, and for various charities. Opportunities for prayer, participation in liturgies, and the Eucharist also support the child’s education as a person of peace. Each year in September students from both schools come together to commemorate International Peace Day with a thoughtfully planned Peace Day ceremony.
” Whoever readily lets God act in him or her… does a great many things in a short time and never loses peace of heart.” –The Maxims of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, VIII
“An Education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking: it involves the spiritual development of man, the enhancement of his value as an individual, and the preparation of young people to times in which they live.” –Dr. Maria Montessori