Jackson Walnut Park enters into the spirit of Lent

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In the spirit of caring for our neighbor, third and fourth grade Jackson teachers and students organized a three-part Read-A-Thon service project. The purpose of the 2019 Read-A-Thon is to encourage all JWP students to develop a lifelong love of reading while raising money to support a CSSJ sponsored charity.

Jackson School enters into the spirit of Lent

On Ash Wednesday, the Jackson School community joined with parishioners of Our Lady Help of Christians Church in Newton, for a liturgy at which Father Dan Riley, in his homily, invited participants to join him in the prayer, “Show Me My Neighbor.” The prayer is a reminder to be attentive to our neighbor during the Lenten season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  

In the spirit of caring for our neighbor, third and fourth grade Jackson teachers and students organized a three-part Read-A-Thon service project. The purpose of the 2019 Read-A-Thon is to encourage all Jackson students to develop a lifelong love of reading while raising money to support a CSSJ sponsored charity.

Students in Grades 1-6 selected books to read then took pledges for the number of pages they would read in the one hour of quiet, uninterrupted time. Collectively, they raised $8,000 for the Mission Haiti Project which supports primary and secondary school children in Léogâne, Haiti. Mission Haiti is a joint project of the Canadian and U.S. Federations of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, in collaboration with Mission Haiti, Inc. Jackson School is a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston.

The Mission Haiti Project grew out of a dire need to supply educational materials and rebuild schools destroyed by the 2010 earthquake, and to assist in funding the education of Haitian girls and the salaries and certification of teachers.

During the week leading up to the Read-A-Thon, Jackson students collected hundreds of new or gently used books to be donated to a local shelter or school in need. Additionally, during the hour of reading, held in the JWP Student Center that was brightly decorated with reading themes, milk and cookies were sold with the profits used to purchase new books for the Jackson School library.